What would you buy if you had $25 million? Probably a house, cars, a business, stuff that made sense, right?Just think for a moment, what single thing can you buy with $25 million? Let’s [...]
Today we turn to the dark side. Let’s delve into the criminal underworld and allow us to show you the worst of the worst and the richest of the rich in criminal history. Now, don’t you get any [...]
“I just try to think of myself as an entrepreneur who happens to be a teen.” – Mark Bao. In case you haven’t yet heard of him, allow us to introduce you to young Mark Bao, owner of eleven [...]
“My friends say that I inspire them to do what they dream, to do what they love.” – Moziah Bridges. There must be something in the water because thirteen year old Moziah Bridges is the CEO [...]
We all hear of these successful people and wonder how on earth they’ve managed to get where they are today. Rich parents? Oh, they’ve inherited a fortune from a long dead aunt, right? No? Then [...]