With a smorgasbord of debt solution companies available in South Africa, you might get overwhelmed when looking for someone to help you get rid of your debt. From debt review to debt [...]
One of the scariest things to think about when it comes acquiring legal protection against creditors is that you might be required to attend court to explain yourself. Let’s settle one [...]
A dangerous assumption to make is that, once you are approved for Voluntary Surrender of Estate, you will lose your financed house or car immediately. Senator Counsellors has a unique business [...]
One of the best advantages of Voluntary Surrender of Estate is that you pay less on your debt and avoid piling interest rates. With debt counselling many people have noticed that when they check [...]
So, we have mentioned before that Voluntary Surrender of Estate is considered one of the fastest ways of becoming debt free. Here is a breakdown of the duration of the entire process with [...]
Debt counselling seems to have always been the go-to safe house for over-indebted individuals. They could enjoy the relief from creditors while being guided on a path of individual credit status [...]