Strange ways you can earn extra money
In today’s economy, no one is opposed to earning a little extra on the side, in fact it’s become necessary for most households to stay afloat. While we’ve shared with you a few conventional ways of saving money, here are a few strange ideas you can try to earn some extra dough on the side.
Sell your photos
Many stock image sites are looking for new fresh content and you do not need to be a professional photographer to earn. Just take a couple of digital shots with good resolution and sell them online. Agencies such as Fotolia and 123rf buys images. You’ll earn royalties every time someone buys one of your pictures. Plus you might discover a fun new hobby.
Sell your hair
Yes there are people out there who desire Rupunzel’s locks. Hair extensions are very popular so if you have a bit of hair to spare you can sell it on sites like Gumtree for example. Local colleges and hair salons might also be willing to pay cash for your hair.
Rent out your office parking space
Good parking space is very desirable and if you happen to own a good spot, use it to your advantage. If you don’t mind walking the extra mile so to speak you might be able to strike a deal with a fellow colleague. Rent out your parking space for a fee each month.
Rent out your shed or spare room to a student
Finding affordable accommodation while in college is difficult. If you’re situated near a university you might want to consider renting a spare room or liveable shed to a student. Someone will grab it double quick, just be sure to conduct thorough interviews lest you want to sit with binge drinking parties every other night.
Sell your eggs
Nope not the farm variety. There are a lot of women and men out there looking to have a child but who don’t necessarily have the tools to accomplish that goal. Females can have their eggs harvested for a fair amount of cash, if they are up for the hormone treatment.
Participate in a clinical trial
If it’s your life’s ambition to become infected inside a dark lab one night and turn into a superhero then perhaps you are in more need of a clinical trial than we thought. Jokes aside, you can earn some money when participating in medical trials. Some medical institutes and labs recruit healthy people to test drugs on.
Remember, you can always find some way to earn money, so long as it’s legal.