Interest makes up a percentage of a loan (or deposit) balance which needs to be paid to the lender during a set amount of time. When borrowing money you not only have to repay what you’ve [...]
People wrongly assume a bank’s every action can be trusted. In our experience, we have found that the Usury Act and National Credit Act have been incorrectly applied. In this way, they are [...]
We all have big dreams regarding our retirement and see ourselves spending our time stretched out on a porch with a view of the beach one day. However, how do we reach that goal when times grow [...]
Interest is a fairly complicated concept to explain to a child although forms an important part of their financial education. We have explored ways you might be able to teach your child how [...]
Hi again, here are the other 15 tips we promised you in the previous post. Use them well. 16. Shop alone Do not bring anyone, especially kids, along when shopping as you will end up buying a lot [...]
Groceries unfortunately form a necessity when it comes to spending, one that needs to be fulfilled every month. Here are fifteen ways you can already save when doing grocery shopping. Keep an eye [...]
We’re back with some more unusual ways you can stretch your money. Let’s continue with the list. Disappear on Christmas and save yourself money on gifts You can always make an excuse and tell [...]
Never go grocery shopping on an empty stomach, use coupons, don’t use a lot of electricity. We’ve all heard of these money saving tips and more but we thought we should go on the hunt for some of [...]
With a smorgasbord of debt solution companies available in South Africa, you might get overwhelmed when looking for someone to help you get rid of your debt. From debt review to debt [...]